Lean 4 Business have over a quarter of a century experience in Manufacturing. During that time, we have learned to ‘smell the coffee” and rapidly assess where businesses pain points are.
We are now able to assess your business using our R.A.M.P. process
R.A.M.P. stands for Rapid Assessment of Manufacturing Processes, but don’t get hung up on it being all about making cars!
We know how things should work and we can quickly recognise where they don’t!
As an example, our M.D. was asked to work with a small niche company who just couldn’t get the product out on time. As well as getting to know the people and the product, he had to deal with a cumbersome ERP implementation, and that was the eureka moment! The system simply didn’t reflect the situation on the Shopfloor, with this mismatch every job was a rush job!
Having worked with the supplier to engineer and implement a fix, the result was 90%+ O.T.D. Not a vast improvement on the previous figure of ~75% but this output was achieved with much less stress and lower overtime!